We all know that the more you workout, the more you sweat. It’s a simple equation. The energy put into something produces a product. Working out leads to sweat. Following that same equation, your sweat also produces something: odour-causing bacteria.
Sports Odours can be classified as sweat and body odours that are transferred onto your clothing during physical activities such as working out, playing sports, or doing outdoor work on a hot or humid day. No matter which activity that you are performing the results will be the same: smelly clothes that only smells worth after each workout.
Do you have challenges in removing sweat odours from your clothes or are you struggling to remove body odours from your workout clothes or yoga pants? If so, you are in luck as we will go over what you need to get rid of sweat smell from your clothes & linens.
Traditional detergent isn’t designed to remove those tough odours such as sweat and body odours but rather mask them with fragrances and perfumes. At times Customers are misled into thinking that the odours are gone from their clothing after their first wash, only to find out later that the odours have reappeared and are even smellier than before.
You may have noticed sports detergents that claim to be able to remove sweat and body odours by using enzymes in their detergents. If you are not familiar with that terminology, an enzyme is a protein which is placed in an odour eliminator product to help aid or speed up chemical reactions.
Enzymes are safe as they are nearly present in all living thing. A quick but simple explanation of how it should work is that the proteins in the enzyme are sent off to “eat” away at the bacteria and in a perfect world when all done the odour should be completely removed. The problem is that for the enzyme to be effective it must be the correct enzyme for that odour and must be used under ideal to nearly perfect conditions to work.
At OdorKlenz, we understand the specific odour-causing bacteria that is produced from playing sports.
We’ve developed a laundry detergent that not only target odours at their source: it neutralizes and eliminates odours from the source. Using our patented earth-mineral technology, we’ve developed the leading odour-neutralizing and removal detergent.
Formulated to work in both HE (High Efficiency) machines and top loader machines.
Jeg er så glad for produktet. Det fjerner lugten ud af vores sportstøj, som virkelig kan lugte VOLDSOMT efter håndbold og fodbold. Jeg kan kun anbefale det.
Line 2020-10-19
Kæmpe anbefaling
Jeg må ærligt indrømme at jeg aldrig har oplevet noget lignende, det virker bare. Selvom der står på produktet at det er til sport, så har jeg brugt det til andet end at fjerne svedlugt.
Den tager al lugt i mit vasketøj, både hundetæpper og mit barns uheld i bukser. ALT er lugtfrit bagefter. (selv efter en varm dag og bukserne har været lukket inde i en plasticpose). Det er virkelig et fantastisk redskab at have stående med vaskemidlerne, slut med at smide tøj ud pga. det har fået en lugt. Det næst bedste er at efter maskinen har kørt med produktet, så er det ikke kun tøjet der er lugtfri, jeg oplever at selve maskinen også bliver lugtfri. Den kan godt til tider få en træls lugt, hvis nogen er kommet til at lukke lågen mens maskinen har været fugtig. :)
Valerie B. 2020-06-11
Your product is beyond awesome
My boyfriend is a diehard bodybuilder and his gym clothes get pretty smelly. Sometimes I would wash them twice and it still didn’t help with the odor. But your product is a life saver. Also I used is on my dogs blanket which smelled even after it was washed but OdorKlenz removes the dog smell. I will be using this product from here on out.
Ricky - centerleder Fitness World 2020-06-10
Det virker fantastisk!
Jeg har nu over en længere periode testet OdorKlenz Sport grundigt på alt mit træningstøj, og jeg må konstatere at produktet virker fantastisk!
Mit træningstøj dufter rent og lugtfrit, og den gamle svedlugt vender ikke tilbage under træning.
OdorKlenz er tilmed nemt at anvende og deklareret i samarbejde med Astma-Allergi Danmark.
Line F 2019-06-04
Fantastisk produkt
Jeg bruger selv dette produkt til at vaske hundetæpper, kondisko der ikke længere dufter af roser og ikke mindst min søns skiftetøj efter uheld. Alt der bliver vaske kommer ud helt lugfrit. Det er samtidig drøj i brug. Jeg oplever ikke man skal bruge særligt meget ved hver vask, så for mig holder en flaske længe. Helt sikkert pengene værd
Absorbs and neutralizes odours and chemicals from your shoes and sports equipment
No other products in the market offers this advanced technology
The powder prevents odour caused by sweat or other organic odour
Absorbs and neutralizes odours and chemicals from your shoes and sports equipment
No other products in the market offers this advanced technology
The powder prevents odour caused by sweat or other organic odour
Absorbs and neutralizes odours and chemicals in your laundry
No other products in the market offers this advanced technology
Declared in collaboration with Asthma Allergy Nordic
Sufficient for 40 small (4 kg) or 20 normal (8 kg) laundries
Dosing cup included
Det virker !
Jeg er så glad for produktet. Det fjerner lugten ud af vores sportstøj, som virkelig kan lugte VOLDSOMT efter håndbold og fodbold. Jeg kan kun anbefale det.