OdorKlenz Laundry Additive - 1,7 L

  • Absorbs and neutralizes odours and chemicals in your laundry
  • Fragrance-Free
  • No other products in the market offers this advanced technology
  • Declared in collaboration with Asthma Allergy Nordic
  • Sufficient for 30 small (4 kg) or 15 normal (8 kg) laundries
  • Dosing cup included
DKK 176
In Stock


OdorKlenz Laundry Additive is a safe and effective additive that eliminates severe laundry odours that typical detergents cannot remove. You simply add it with your normal detergent.

OdorKlenz Laundry Additive is ideal for:

  • people suffering from contact allergy or fragrance and chemical sensitivity (MCS)
  • athletes, hospitals, nursing homes, institutions, hotels, restaurants, food industry, firemen, farmers, mechanics, etc.
  • for use on stubborn odours originates from urine, faeces, sweat, vomiting, fire, smoke, animals, cooking or food.

The technology neutralizes the odours instead of masking with perfumes like many detergents and additives, making it ideal for chemically sensitive people.

OdorKlenz Laundry Additive offers simple, safe and fast odour and fragrance elimination of machine washable fabrics affected by common laundry odours. The product is non-bleaching or staining, and most importantly, no masking agents or additional fragrances are added so your laundry will come out fragrance and chemical-free.

Removing mildew odours from clothes was once a difficult task, but now you can safely remove musty odours from clothes and linens without the use of harsh chemicals or masking agents. Clothes that were left in the washer overnight often headed right to the trash but now you can salvage your neglected laundry by washing them in a load of OdorKlenz Laundry Additive.

OdorKlenz Laundry Additive is available in a liquid form. Safe for use on cotton, personal delicate, nylon, polyester, spandex, washable lace, washable rayon, washable wool, and all other washable fabrics. The product should not be used in combination with bleach or vinegar as this will limit overall effectiveness.

Allergy and MCS

The development of OdorKlenz products was inspired by people suffering from fragrance and chemical sensitivity, "Multiple Chemical Sensitivity" also abbreviated MCS.

People suffering from MCS are especially sensitive to chemical pollutants in the air and clothes, and show symptoms because they are exposed to certain chemicals.

One of the biggest challenges for MCS patients is that they live in a world where chemicals and fragrances are present everywhere. Therefore there is a need for efficient methods to reduce sympthoms and increase the quality of life for this group of people.

OdorKlenz products are effective against many different types of chemicals, such as:

  • Esters
  • Terpenes
  • Aromatics
  • Amines
  • Alcohols
  • Aldehydes
  • Ketones
  • Thiols

For people with MCS, many chemicals and substances with strong fragrance are the most common triggers for their symptoms and include:

  • Parfumes
  • Cleaning products
  • Pesticides
  • Cigarette smoke
  • and many more.

OdorKlenz products are designed to absorb and neutralize these types of chemicals and fragrances, at the same time the products do not release other chemicals that can trigger new symptoms.

Download the OdorKlenz Laundry Additive brochure here!

Product Details

Data sheet

15-30 loads / 1.7 L
Aqua, Magnesium Oxide, Magnesium Hydroxide, Zinc Oxide, Aluminum Oxide




Super Produkt

Ich bin begeistert ! Endlich ein Produkt ,das hält, was es verspricht.
Die Decken meiner Hunde riechen endlich nicht mehr.



einfach Genial

Endlich ein Produkt, das hält, was es verspricht.!!!
Meine verschwitzte Sportkleidung wird nicht nur sauber, sondern auch total geruchsnaeutral , also keine Schweissgerüche mehr in der Wäsche. Ich bin schon seit langer Zeit auf der Suche nach einem Waschmittel , dass den Geruch 100 % entfernt und jetzt habe ich es endlich gefunden.
Vielen Dank !



Get rid of perfume smells

OdorKlenz worked to get rid of the artificial scent of laundry detergent in some hand-me-down clothes. It also worked in getting rid of cologne and perfume smells out of linens. I had previously tried multiple wash cycles with baking soda, then tried vinegar, then tried borax and finally tried ammonia. None worked and the artificial scents were still there until using OdorKlenz. OdorKlenz did the job in just one wash cycle. No more smells!



Excellent product

I purchased Odorklenz Laundry as a way to improve to expose myself less to toxins and bad fragances (please
odorklenz publish a scientific study about the way your product decreases toxins in clothes). However what I can
confirm is that it decreases the stench in clothes and towels. All of my towels started to smell like...well nothing. No
stench anymore, but no other smell as well. It is a real surprise. I also used it on my old sportclothes. It took a wash or
2-3 before the smell was totally gone, but again it works. It works best with a lot of agitation; I also used it for some
gloves (which were soaked) but while taking away some of the scent, it will probably work very good when put in the
washing machine. All in all an excellent product!



Super til at fjerne parfumestoffer

Jeg har nyligt fået MCS (ekstrem påvirkning af parfumestoffer). Jeg har prøve at vaske mit tøj rigtig mange gange for at
få gamle parfumerester ud af tøjet og var lige ved at smide det ud, da jeg hørte om Odor Klenz. Købte en dunk og det
har jeg bestemt ikke fortrudt.



Jeg er total fan!

Tro det eller lad være, men det VIRKER. Efter mange år med hunde og den evige lugt af sur hund, selvom tæpper/
dækkener/ hundekurv lige er blevet vasket, så havde det stadig lugten af sur hund. Efter jeg har prøvet Odorklenz, så
er lugten af hund fuldstændig væk efter vask. Det er en fornøjelse at vaske sine hundetæpper og hundekurve og vide,
at når det kommer ud af maskinen, så kan man selv sove på det. Det lyder næsten for godt til at være sandt, men nej
prøv det selv, det virker også på træningstøjet, cykeltøjet og fodbold/håndbold sved lugte.



Det virker super godt!

For godt et år siden, blev jeg spurgt om jeg ville afprøve OdorKlenz og det ville jeg selvfølgelig gerne. Prøv at tænk, hvis der måske var et middel, der kunne gøre hverdagen lidt nemmere.
Det er et middel, som for mig, har virket super godt. Jeg er dog nødt til at tilsætte en højere dosis, end det der anbefales. Jeg bruger OdorKlenz i følgende situationer:
• Alt nyt tøj bliver vasket med et duftneutralt vaskemiddel tilsat OdorKlenz. Dette fjerner både parfumedufte, samt kemikaliedufte, der er i nyt tøj.
• Har jeg været til et arrangement, kan det ikke undgåes, at der sidder parfume i tøj og jakke, så det bliver vasket, hvor OdorKlenz er tilsat og væk er de ting der gør mig syge.
• Når jeg er ude at rejse, medbringer jeg OdorKlenz, idet det både fjerner parfumen fra tøjet, men også fra en vaskemaskine, hvor der normalt bliver brugt parfumeret vaskemiddel/skyllemiddel.
• Kommer veninden fra England, bliver hendes kuffert placeret udenfor og så vaskes alt hendes tøj med uparfumeret vaskemiddel tilsat OdorKlenz. Så får vi en god ferie uden at alle MCS og allergi symptomer bliver aktive.
• Når jeg køber brugt tøj – hvilket jeg på et tidpunkt stoppede med, fordi jeg ikke kunne vaske parfumen ud, selv efter 8-10 gange vask, ja – så er det ikke et problem mere, for nu tilsætter jeg bare OdorKlenz. Er det helt ekstremt, kan jeg blive nødt til at vaske det to gange, men det er meget sjældent.
• Har vi haft bål eller gang i grillen, hænger lugten i tøjet og er svært at få ud – men det klarer OdorKlenz.
Min datter har også afprøvet det. Hendes mand er traktormekaniker og i fritiden brandmand. Det har været umuligt at vaske olie-, røg- og svedlugt ud af hans tøj. Første
gang var hun nødt til at vaske hans tøj to gange tilsat OdorKlenz, for at få lugten ud af tøjet. Men efterfølgende kun én gang.
OdorKlenz har gjort min hverdag mindre kompliceret og jeg kan varmt anbefale produktet til andre med MCS og parfumeallergi.

Write your review

OdorKlenz Laundry Additive - 1,7 L

  • Absorbs and neutralizes odours and chemicals in your laundry
  • Fragrance-Free
  • No other products in the market offers this advanced technology
  • Declared in collaboration with Asthma Allergy Nordic
  • Sufficient for 30 small (4 kg) or 15 normal (8 kg) laundries
  • Dosing cup included

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